Friday, January 16, 2009

Thursday's Random Thoughts...On Friday

Welcome to this week's addition of my random thoughts. As you can see, I'm a day behind. Thanks to Asher, my time has been monopolized by constant whines, cries, screams and tantrums. It has been a week!
Anyway, here is a list of some of my random thoughts this week, just random things that have popped into my mind. Some make sense, and some don't. Without further adieu, here they are:How is it that you can love someone SO very much, yet you can hardly stand to be around them? You consider selling them to the circus? Running away? That's how I've felt this week about Asher. He was sick on Monday and Tuesday and got totally spoiled. That made for a ROUGH rest of the week. My friend, Ashley, said he's in "sickness detox"...meaning he's detoxing from all the spoils he received the days he was sick. I'm ready for this detox to be O-V-E-R! The kid hasn't slept a full night in at least a week. AAAAAAAAAGH!!!

With temperatures super low the past few days (and tomorrow too, I think), I'm wondering if I should invest in a Snuggie. I mean, the commercial is ALWAYS on, and the people always look so happy in their Snuggies. No grumpiness, no feeling frigid, just pure bliss. The beginning of the commercial shows freezing upset people, but that disappears once they put on the Snuggie. Perhaps I should get one for me and one for Asher? Hmmm...something to think about. PLUS it's supposed to lower your heating bill. Interesting...

Ok, so I got back into the gym this week and am LOVING it! I didn't realize how much I missed it until I went back. I have so much to share about the gym, I don't know where to start. Let's start with going as a pregnant woman. When I go to the gym, my routine is to do weights first then cardio. Well, you should have seen the stares I was getting as I was doing weights. Whenever I would look at the concerned eyes, they would quickly look away. It was so funny! I was betting myself on how long it would take for someone to come ask me if what I was doing was safe. Hilarious!

So after I finished doing weights, I was stretching for my cardio. As I was stretching, a woman asked me how far along I was. I can't tell you just how much I wanted to say, "What? Me? I'm not pregnant." I didn't, though. Instead, I told her how far along I was. To that, she responded, "Whoa! You're out there for 19 weeks." Thank you, lady. Thanks, a lot. No, I didn't say that. I said, "Yeah, this is my third. I get really big with my pregnancies, though." Then she said, "Well, at least you're working out." Thanks, lady. You really made my day! And this came one day after someone told me how tiny I was. Does it count that the woman who told me I was tiny happens to own the children's boutique that I was visiting? Or that she didn't know I far along I was? Nah! I'm going to pretend not since I have NEVER heard how tiny I am while pregnant.

One of my favorite parts of going to the gym, aside from the workout, is people-watching. At the gym, you see all types of people: old, young, in shape, out of shape, those who talk on their cell phones the whole time, those who grunt and yell, those who wear their 80s workout leotards with pride, those who almost hurt themselves...all types. My favorite gym member yesterday was "treadmill lady". This lady was super tiny and appeared to be about my mom's age. She was on a treadmill that looked to be going about 100 miles per hour. She had it on a pretty steep incline and was having to hold onto the top of the treadmill to keep from falling off. Seriously, it looked like she was being dragged by a pack of starving rottweilers. I kept expecting her to go flying off the back. Her legs were so resistant to the speed and she was holding on for dear life. She got it done, though. Maybe that's how she stays so tiny.

I'm getting a little concerned about my little girl (the one in my tummy). She seems to be a bit competitive already. You see, when she starts kicking, I put my hand on my belly to feel it, and lots of times, she'll stop. However, this morning when I was holding Asher, she started kicking his back like crazy. I think she's already competing for attention. Asher better watch out. I don't think he realizes what he's in for.

I had a lot more to share, but I'm drawing a blank. So I guess this is all I'll share. I would love to read some of your random thoughts, though. If you've got some, PLEASE share. It would totally make my day...AND not to make you feel bad, but with the week I've had, I would love to have my day made. :) Ha!
Happy Friday, all!!!


Jeremy and Michelle said...

Yay for you for getting back in the gym! Sounds like you are pretty motivated and have a good work out plan but if you see yourself starting to lose some steam, when I was pregnant with John-Mark I started taking prenatal water aerobics and LOVED it!! Especially the bigger you get it feels so nice to get in that pool and feel weightless! I took it through Brookwood at Gold's Gym in Vestavia which is probably too far for you to travel but they have an onsite daycare and classes in the mornings or the evenings. It helped me stay motivated to go to because I made friends with the other girls in the class and I looked forward to seeing them every week and hear how their pregnancies were going. I tell everyone about it because I truly loved it so much!

Anonymous said...

Got ya covered on the Snuggie....take your bath robe....turn it around so the opening is in the now how have a snuggie!!! I just saved ya 19.99 plus the ever so important shipping and handling

luv ya....your ever so smart bro in law

holly said...

I have been DYING to act like I'm not pregnant when people ask me when I'm due. Especially when I'm very large, and it's very obvious. I can't ever bring myself to do it though. Maybe next time. I get asked at least 3 times a day. and you ARE tiny!

annieck said...

GREAT suggestion, Michelle...if I can convince myself to get in a swimsuit. :)
Holly, you should DEFINITELY pull the "I'm not pregnant" thing. That would be awesome!!!
Ryan, that's hilarious! Maybe I'll try that trick for the next Georgia game we go to. I'm sure I wouldn't get any stares. :)

Shasta said...

I love your Thursdays so much! I started a random friday thing last week, not quite the same as yours, not as funny, but definitely random!

Looking at those snuggies makes me want one so bad!! We have below zero temps here and I'm just not used to that. We have oil heat and a wood stove and I'm still freezing, with a sweater on. I could totally cuddle up in one of those right now!

I'm glad to hear that you people watch because I love doing that. Sometimes I feel weird about doing it and my husband has even yelled at me for it, but I can't help it. I do it everywhere!

Hillary @ The Other Mama said...

Ok. I can't tell you how many times we've laughed at the snuggies. Out loud. On the floor. In the car. We HEART snuggies. or just the kooky idea of them.
And I want to go to your gym to see treadmill lady. She would be my new friend.
And I will punch that other lady for you. Or at least tell her that she has a wedgie with her unitard. All in love, of course.

Nathan and Rachel Greenfield said...

oh boy, i am NOT looking forward to the sickness detox that is soon to take place in our house. noah has been sick for almost 2 weeks and, i'm afraid, has gotten quite used to waking up multiple times at night and getting some snuggle time. i am thinking he is on the upswing so soon we'll be crying it out- ughhhh the torture!!

AngelGirl said...

Each time i see the snuggie commericals i think of you!!! MAC has been asking me for one!! haha!!!

Amy said...

I always enjoy this random post. I, too, am a people watcher at the gym. I also love watching people at the airport.
Here's my random thought. I think that Clint Black (country music guy) would probably be very sweet in real life. I think it's the squinty eyes not to mention the dimples. Emmett has a dimple and it is precious!....and he is a very sweet little man.

Donna said...

ANNIE!!! I haven't read blogs in two weeks so I missed your "it's a girl" post! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I'm beside myself for you guys! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my little baby girl-and I sort of wanted her to be a boy- but our gracious God knows EXACTLY what we need. She is our sunshine baby. Can't wait to see the nursery and hear her name! Oh- and good for you for staying at the gym! I can't wait to get back.

Leslie said...

I have always wanted to play like I'm not pregnant when a stranger asks how far along I am. I just always forget in the moment! I really was upset that I forgot when Pastor Chris asked me at the Christmas Eve service! Ugh! If only I thought better in the moment...
You are NOT huge! You look great. In fact I have yet to see a belly. And you know what even if you do get huge at the end you always, ALWAYS get back to being skinny-minny.