Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas Traditions...The Countdown to Christmas

Only 20 more days until Christmas!

Today is day four of my posts sharing our family's Christmas traditions. My goal is to post one of our traditions each day leading up to Christmas.

Another of our family's Christmas traditions is reading Christmas books and watching Christmas movies and shows. We do this through the whole month of December. I grab all the Christmas books and put them in the forefront. I do the same with the boys' dvds. I keep my eyes peeled for more great books at the bookstores and keep my eyes open for what Christmas shows are coming on and when. It's SO much fun!!!

We read books and watch movies/shows about Jesus and His amazing birth, Santa, snowmen, name it. It just makes this month extra exciting!

And for those of you out there who incorporate Santa into your Christmas, I found a great book at Barnes and Noble last weekend. It's called "Santa's Favorite Story". It's basically Santa telling the story of the birth of Jesus and explaining that Christmas is not about getting presents. I thought it was super sweet. I didn't get it but think I may go and pick a copy up.We have several favorite books at home, though. I think one of my very favorites is :
How about you? Do you have a favorite Christmas book (other than the Bible~That will come in a later post) or show/movie? If so, please share! These posts are about sharing traditions and possibly introducing people to new ones.

Merry Christmas, and God bless!