Tristan is in kindergarten this year, and his class has been studying fairy tales. One of the fairy tales they've studied is "The Three Little Pigs". They have done a lot of activities with that story, and one of the activities came home with him today. It was a book authored by the students in his class. The book is titled: "__________ is Bigger Than a Pig".
As I flipped through the pictures, I saw lots of cute and colorful pictures with a myriad of different answers.
My house is bigger than a pig.
A boat is bigger than a pig.
A limo is bigger than a pig.
A shark is bigger than a pig.
Then I saw Tristan's page, and my heart melted:My photo of his picture isn't great, but it says at the bottom,
"Jesus is bigger than a pig."
That is Jesus in the sky.
I'm so proud of my little boy! He always remembers that Jesus is bigger than us all; that He loves us even more than we love each other, more than we can imagine. I pray that Tristan will continue to share Jesus with those around him, and that his faith in Jesus will grow with each passing year, day, and hour.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Jesus is Bigger Than a Pig
Saturday, November 14, 2009
My Baby Girl is Five Months Old!
Seriously, how did time fly by so quickly? Not only is it almost Thanksgiving and Christmas, but my baby girl, my little princess, is already five months old! Seems like she was just born, and now she's smiling, laughing, rolling over, and sprouting curls! What in the world?!? Does anyone know how I can freeze time? Though I love this stage, as I do every stage, I just wish each stage would last a little longer. Rhiannon is such a good cuddler, and I know that once she can get mobile, she'll be over it. SAD!
Here are this months' pictures of my sweet Rhi Rhi Girl:Speaking of curls, how common is it to have THREE curly headed children? It can't happen often, right? What are the chances??? Not only do we have two boys with curly blonde hair, now Rhiannon has it and may end up with hair that is curlier than the boys. Their hair was not nearly as curly as hers is when they were her age. Amazing! I know you can't tell it from this picture, but if her hair gets the least bit wet, it curls up.
I sure do love this little girl! The boys do too. God has blessed us with such wonderful kids. :)
Happy five months, Rhiannon Marie!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Thursday's Random Thoughts
If you've stopped by my blog much, you know I'm very inconsistent in my postings. I just can't seem to find the time. Trying to figure out completely different schedules for three kids has been a bit of a challenge for me. I'll get there one day, though! Tonight, I found a quiet minute (when I should be cleaning) and thought I would post my most recent random thoughts. So, here goes:Road rage. What happened to it? Remember when road rage was all the rage? It seemed like you couldn't watch the news without seeing a story about some driver who went ballistic because he was cut off on the interstate. Daily, we heard crazy stories about drivers who went completely ballistic. What happened to those drivers? Did they disappear? Or did the news stop covering it? Hmmm...
Has anyone seen the commercial for the Temper Pedic bed? It's the one where the bed is on the hillside. Some couple wakes up all refreshed. But seriously, what's up with the hillside? Is it common for people to take their queen size beds out to the hillside to sleep? Just wondering.
If you've ever watched anything with Tyra Banks, whether it be America's Top Model or The Tyra Show (is that what it's called~her talk show?), you will notice TONS of pictures of Miss Tyra Banks. I mean, I know she was a famous super model, but does she really have to be in every single picture? It cracks me up. Maybe she's afraid we'll forget she was a famous super model? Maybe she's afraid she'll lose her "fierceness"?
I remember seeing her pregnant. I've even seen the pictures of her new baby, but I have to ask...did Elisabeth Hasselbeck actually have a baby?!? I mean, the woman, after giving birth two months ago, looks tinier than ever. How is that possible?! I mean, I've had friends get small pretty quickly, but they had almost non-existent pregnant bellies. Elisabeth wasn't huge by any means, but she had a baby belly. How did she lose it so quickly? Man!
Does anyone else have a hard time deleting pictures of their kids? I have the hardest time. Whatever I use to take their pictures, whether it be my phone or camera, I upload them to the computer, and I still don't want to delete them off my camera or phone. It's so hard! I start to, then I see the picture and think, "I may need this. That's my baby. How can I delete him/her?" Even with not-so-flattering pictures. It's something I really have to work on.
Do you Twitter? Tweet? Whatever? Ok, so I've spent lots of time making fun of it on my random thoughts (tongue in cheek, of course). Then, I got this new phone that I love and thought I would give it a shot; not to update everyone about my every move, rather, to find out when stores are having sales and to check in on funny people and people that have interesting things to say...or, so I thought. So I started getting tweets on my phone and HATE it! It's just as bad as I thought it would be. As I'm typing this, I am getting a tweet. AGH! SHUT IT OFF! ;) I know a lot of people out there like it. I'm just not one of them. I thought I cared what people are doing, but I don't. I really don't. It is so time consuming. My phone is constantly beeping (and I'm only following a few people on my phone), and I never know if it's a text that I need to check right away or if it's some tweet announcing that so and so is heading to the gym (yes, I follow some pastors for inspirational thoughts, and that's what I get). I would go ahead and delete people from my phone, but I have to look up how to do that again. I keep forgetting! I plan to leave a couple (like children's stores that I want updates from), other than that, Twitter's gotta go. It's not that I don't love my friends. I just barely have enough time to keep up with my own family, much less everyone's else's dinner schedules. :)
I know my boys have been in school for more than two months, but I am still having a hard time getting their schedules and Rhiannon's schedules down pat every day. There just isn't enough time between trips, it seems. And what I've noticed is that the more I try to prepare the night before, the later I am the next day. I can get all the clothes ironed and ready, lunches and snacks made, get up early, and the next day, something will happen to make us late. On the flip side, I can stay up late, do nothing the night before, get up and rush around to get ready, and we're right on time. What's up with that? It happens ALL THE TIME!
Ok, I'm just going to say it...Lane Kiffin is a big fat crybaby. He is. I understand. He's 34. He's young, but still..come on! Grow up! Lane Kiffin, quit running your mouth about how you're going to beat this team and that team, how this coach is cheating, and that official is unfair. Grow up. Some people say he's just ballsy and/or he's just overly confident. I don't think it's either of those things. I think he's incredibly immature, and one day, I think he'll be embarrassed by how he's behaved over the past few months. Just my thoughts. For now, though, he's got a mess on his hands with his jailbird football players. Good luck with that, Coach Kiffin.
Speaking of the jailbirds, check this out! The three UT players that committed an armed robbery of a couple at a Pilot gas station, were arrested; however, one of the victims of the crime said that he believes the guys should still be able to play football...that they shouldn't be suspended. Ok, are you KIDDING ME?!? I mean, is this guy that big of a UT fan that he is willing to overlook having a gun pointed at him? Really? Does he have a bet on this weekend's game or what?!? Ok, I love me some Alabama Crimson Tide, but if Greg McElroy comes at me with a gun while demanding my purse, no way I'm going to beg Coach Saban to let him play. That's NUTS!
In the past month, at completely separate times, both my mother and husband have mentioned a possible part-time job for me (and they were totally serious). Wanna know what the job is? Driving a school bus. That's right. Me, the girl who failed her first drivers' test at the age of 17, they want to commandeer a large moving vehicle full of screaming kids through a busy and crowded little town. They BOTH brought this idea up to me, not knowing the other had mentioned it to me as well. Can you believe that?!? They must both really want me to have a job! Ok, I would flatten cars if I ever drove a school bus!
I want to close with this it possible to hear "Bohemian Rhapsody" without immediately thinking about Wayne's World? It's not for me, is it for you?
That's it, people. I have more, but I'll spare you. And you're welcome! Now, if you want to make my day, you'll leave me some of your random thoughts. :) So, please make my day!
ROLL TIDE & GO DAWGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
A Word from the Wise
I came across this quote from C.S. Lewis this morning as I was reading through a book. It really stood out to me.
There is one vice of which no man in the world is free; which everyone in the world loathes when he sees it in someone else; and of which hardly any people, except Christians ever imagine that they are guilty themselves... The essential vice, the utmost evil, is pride. Unchastity, anger, greed, drunkenness, and all that, are mere fleebites in comparison: it was through pride that the devil became the devil; pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind... As long as you are proud you cannot know God. A proud man is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you are looking down, you cannot see something that is above you.
~C.S. Lewis
Friday, November 6, 2009
My Favorite Costume of 2009
Is this costume super creative or what?! My sweet friend, Carrie Anne, came up with this all on her own. She's one of of those creative types. I can only imagine. :)LOVE this costume! Her costume is so amazing, you almost miss how great her husband's is. Gotta love overweight Elvis! AND...have you ever seen a cuter little fish??? I think not.
Thanks for letting me share, CA!
Who Knew?
I certainly didn't. I never could have imagined just how much I could love a little girl. Now I know, and I can't get enough of my little princess (which, btw, is something I said I would never call her. Go figure).
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Tuesday Morning on a Thursday Afternoon
Does your town have a Tuesday Morning? Mine does, but I often forget about it. Lately, though, it's been catching my eye. Until today, it had been about two years or so since I had been in. Since I only had one of the kids with me today, I thought it would be the perfect time to stop in and check out the merchandise.
I found some good loot and, well, some strange things. I kept finding so many unique things, I had to take out my cell phone and start taking pictures (have I mentioned lately how much I enjoy my phone? It's GREAT!). I'm pretty sure my fellow shoppers (and the workers in the store) thought I was pretty weird, but I didn't care.
Check out my finds:
First, I'll show you a couple of things I liked. For instance, this dress was super cute! The picture doesn't do it justice. For those Bama fans out there, this houndstooth coat has a super cute a-line button dress beneath it and a hat (I don't really dig the hat, but I know it's in style right now. I've seen it everywhere). I would have gotten it for my Rhi, but the smallest they had was like a 3T or something. Another good find were these acrylic pitchers and cups. They had a few teams represented but none that I cared about it. I was able to lead a friend to a Tennessee pitcher, so that was good....I think. She was pleased, anyway. This is an Ole Miss set.
Now on to the strange. Let's start with the dolls. First off, these Juicy Couture dolls. This pack of dolls costs $50! Seriously, $50. I'm sorry, but $50 for a couple of Barbies seems crazy! They are very pretty, though. :)
Then I found this Boho Barbie. She and her packaging just looked strange to me.
This Barbie really disturbed me. It is Little Red Riding Hood Barbie (an official Barbie). Ok, um, is it just me or is she way too sexy to be a Barbie for LITTLE GIRLS?!? Check her out. Her outfit is incredibly revealing. Her pose is too much, and the wolf....oh my! She should be called Little Red Riding Hooker, not Hood.
A recurring theme for the dolls in Tuesday Morning, as I noticed nets. I saw so many dolls, like this one, with hair nets on. Is it just me, or is this strange? I've never bought (or seen before today) a doll with a hair net. Maybe they all work in restaurants?
Here's another one with a hair net. Actually it's a whole head net.
Then I found these shoes. The picture says it all, doesn't it? I mean, bright yellow fuzzy croc-ish shoes. Does it get any cooler than that?
Finally, my favorite find. The ENORMOUS remote control. I'm not kidding, people. This thing was H-U-G-E! The picture does not do it justice. I wish I had measured it next to my arm or something. I don't know if you can tell from the couple pictured at the bottom of the box, but there is no way this remote is getting lost. It's almost as big as an actual t.v.! Who wants a remote that big?!? I guess someone elderly who can't see the buttons, but check out the couple on the box. They're not old. What gives?
So that's what I found today. It was quite entertaining. I'm so glad I stopped in! :)
Stay tuned for Thursday's Random Thoughts. I have them ready and am hoping to find a minute to type them out. Will I find the time? Only time will tell, I guess!
Monday, November 2, 2009
This Shirt Must Make My Girl Happy
Look how she beams every time she wears it!
My sweet Rhi Rhi girl. I love this girl beyond measure! What did the boys and I ever do without her???
Lately, she's become a big fan of sucking her toes and blowing bubbles. She also enjoys sucking her bottom lip. She's not really into the paci anymore, but that shouldn't surprise me. My boys never liked pacifiers either. Oh well. That will probably make it easier on me, I guess.
Her hair is already showing signs of future curls in the waves it produces when wet or in humid weather. Shocker, right?! She looks just like her daddy. I just can't get over the fact that I may have three curly headed kids. Who has three kids with curly hair?!? How often does that happen??? I LOVE it!!!
She is showing signs of teething, which hasn't made for a fun week. I give her Hyland's natural teething tablets, but she still wakes up in the middle of the night (she loves the 1:30/2:00 am hour).
She's a momma's girl but always saves big smiles for her daddy and brothers.
Speaking of big smiles, the best way to get this girl to smile at you is to give her a compliment. She can't get enough of those and always returns a compliment with a grin.
She still loves her tummy tub; always happy to take a bath.
She's very ticklish.
She reached for someone for the very first time this past weekend. While in Ozark visiting my family, she reached for Aunt Vicki. It was the first time ever. Later, she reached for me. SO sweet!
Her eyes are turning brown. At two months old, I was sure she would be a blue eyed girl like her brother, Tristan. Her eyes were getting so light. Now, the centers are brown and the outsides are blue. They are definitely changing. She's going to have her daddy's beautiful browns. Yet more proof that my kids are destined to look like their daddy's side of the family.
She loves her bouncy seat and can really get it moving. She moves her left leg up and down super fast and keeps it in constant motion. That is something my boys never did. They were content to sit in the seat while it vibrated.
She hates to have her nails cut, so they're almost always too long.
She's constantly talking and making sweet noise.
Rhiannon hardly ever cries. She usually reserves her crying for times when she's hungry or sleepy.
These are just a few of the things going on with my sweet Rhi Rhi girl these days. She is such an incredibly blessing and proof that God sure does love us!
What to Do to Fill the Time...
...on a three hour car ride:
Take crazy pictures with your cell phone, of course! Your family does this, right???Asher's "scary face". LOVE it!
Crazy couple shot (and yes, he was driving):
Tristan doing his best to tune us out:
Our often un-talked about son, Felipe (aka: Flipper, Bubsy, Bubbits, Bibbs, Fleepster...the list goes on):
My absolute favorite picture on this post!!! It's my favorite because of the name Asher gave it. This is his "honkin' shhhh" face. Can anyone guess what honkin' shhhh means???? Tune in for another post about this to see if you got it right. CRACKS ME UP!
One of Channing's favorite crazy faces to make:
As it was getting darker, we managed to fit in one more shot:
Three hours can sometimes be a long ride, but my kiddos are riding champs. We hardly ever have any trouble out of them in the car. What a blessing, right?!? Rhiannon was in the car with us, but she was turned around backwards, so it was impossible for me to get any shots of her. That's ok, though, because she just slept the whole time. She chipped in to make sure the ride was an ease. :)
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday's Random Thoughts...On Friday
Sort of...
I have so much going on this week, I really don't have time to put down my random thoughts. I have them all stored in my phone and will be ready to share them next week. Hopefully things will be back to normal by then!
I'll leave you with two, though.So I saw a commercial for Bud Light advertising wheat beer. Seriously, Bud Light? Wheat beer? What have things come to when we're grasping at straws when trying to make beer healthy? I mean, ok if you want your beer to be a little healthier, but to me, this is just going to give men an excuse to drink more beer. "Honey, I haven't had my wheat today. I better swing by and pick up some Bud Light." "Honey, you know I only drink so much because I'm trying to catch up on my wheat intake!" I can hear it all now. Not from my husband, but just in general. Wheat beer...too funny. THERE'S PROBABLY SOME OTHER REASON FOR WHEAT BEER, BUT THIS IS ALL I COULD THINK OF WHEN I SAW THE COMMERCIAL.
Life is so fast. Make sure you love those around you. You never know if this may be the last time you ever see them. Not always easy to remember, but it's true.
Ok, stay tuned for next week. I'll probably have an overload of thoughts to share! Have a great weekend, and BE SAFE!
Good Mannered Super Hero
Do you know what that is? I must say, when I got a note from the school saying that October 30 would be "Good Mannered Super Hero Day", I was quite confused. What is a good mannered super hero? An existing super hero with good manners? A "Thank You Man"? A super hero named after good manners? What?! I have to figure this out and make sure my five year old is cool enough to show up at school that day without being made fun of? One wrong move, and we're in trouble!
I stressed out about this and talked to several people. Finally, we all decided that this was just our elementary school's way of letting the kids dress up while trying to ensure that no one would show up in any crazy evil scary thing. Got it. That being said, I threw any ounce of creativity I had out the window and dressed him up as Super Man. I mean, he had good manners, right?
Here's my Super Man:One thing Channing thought of that never crossed my mind...the bathroom. What is he supposed to do when he has to go to the bathroom??? YIKES! Had NOT thought of that! I mean, Channing helped him get into this thing. Who would help him get out? What a nightmare for the kindergarten teachers today. I don't envy them!
I'll be at the school helping this afternoon. I'm sure I'll be unvelcroing and re-velcroing super heroes for two hours. :)
Trunk or Treats & Fall Festivals
During this time of year, my boys love hitting up fall festivals and trunk or treats. Each year, we try to make it to our neighbor's church and Asher's school (which also happens to be at a church and was previously Tristan's school). The boys look forward to it for weeks and are always have lots of fun. Here are some of my cell phone pictures (because I'm too lazy to hook up my camera to the computer) from the two we went to this year.
I love this picture because it shows Asher's cool hat he had made. The church had a clown table, and two super cool clowns twisted balloons for the kids. Tristan wanted a sword, but Asher wanted this hat that he saw someone else wearing. Channing and I were shocked that he actually wore it. And he did! He wore it most of the night!Here's a shot of Tristan playing 'pick up frogs'. He must have played it 50 times!
On to the Trunk or Treat...
The boys both had other costumes, but once Asher decided to be a Georgia football player, Tristan was racing to keep up. He wasn't going to let Asher be one without him! Here are my two little bulldogs. LOVE these kids!
Watch out, Hershel! My boys are coming up!!!Rhiannon also had another costume, but with both her brothers being football players, she couldn't be left out. She's not one to go rogue. So, here is the boys' cheerleader:
My Tristan...and one of his silly poses:
And my sweet Asher. Can you tell what he's saying?
The Trunk or Treat just provided too much excitement for Rhi. She passed out!
Asher's favorite part of the night. Forget the candy, the slide, the costumes, he was all about riding the motorcycles!!!
I would LOVE to share a picture of my favorite costume of the night. A friend of ours dressed up as a Facebook update. It was AWESOME!!! Just a little disclaimer: My friend is one of those "super creative types". I don't have an ounce of her creativity. Anyway, it was super cool. If I had photoshop, I could blur out last names and post it. Alas, I don't, and I don't want to post anyone's picture without permission. Just know...REALLY cool!
My boys (and girl) had lots of fun at their fall festivals, which always makes me happy. :)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
We're Not Fans of Orange
That's right. Our family doesn't like Auburn orange, and we certainly don't like Tennessee orange. Most of all, I'm no fan of Lane Kiffin (but we'll save that rant for another day).
Today was a big day...Alabama vs. Tennessee. Our family (minus Channing) got ready early. We had to sport our Tide-wear all day. Check out my little Tiders!Isn't Rhiannon's onesie adorable?!? It was designed by one of my very best friends, Leisha. She's so creative! Thanks, Leisha!!!
Have I mentioned lately how much I LOVE my baby girl??? If not, let me mention it now. I sure do love this baby girl! I think she is the sweetest, funniest, most beautiful and perfect little girl in the world. Of course, I'm not at all biased. :)
Here's my sweet Asher. He doesn't like to look at the camera. Clearly, by looking at this picture, you can see Asher thinks today is Georgia Bulldogs day. He's doing his best Uga impersonation. :)And here's my sweet Tristan. I don't know if it's the age, but he is totally into making faces every time I ask him to smile. He always has some new and crazy pose for me. This was his post at breakfast (Hardees...a special treat. You know...we just wanted to be super healthy this morning).
I hope you watched the game. If you did, did your heart stop like mine did?!? COULD NOT BELIEVE IT! I'm still trying to recover. ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, October 19, 2009
I'd Forgotten
...just how much I loved these little outfits! Tristan wore these a lot when he was little. They're just so cute and easy. I wish he wasn't too old for them now. Alas, he is and has been for some time. So, now I get to see Asher wear them, and it totally makes my day!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Looks Pretty Comfy to Me
I don't care what anyone says, this baby GIRL loves her sling! Does she look uncomfortable to you? Needless to say, I got some comments today at Chuck E Cheese's (where the pic was taken) and got lots of looks and whispers.
And to A, a double sling would totally rock! No way you'd get any concerned glances your way; definitely no snide comments! :) Ha!
Speaking of comments at CEC's, a woman told me Rhiannon looks just like me. Ha! I think I surprised her because I said, "Really?!", then started laughing. She said, "Um, well, uh, the eyes. I think she has your eyes." I told her I would take it because most people say she looks just like her daddy.
I didn't mean to laugh at her, and really, I wasn't laughing at her. I was laughing because I know she doesn't look like me. I hear, at least five times a day, that she looks just like her daddy or like her brothers (who look like their daddy). So when I hear, from time to time, that she looks something like me, I just laugh. I also heard that with Asher when he was a baby (hardly ever with Tristan), and Asher looks the least like me. No one ever thinks Asher looks like me now. Oh well! :) I don't care who my kids look like . I think they're beautiful and wouldn't change a thing about them!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Thursday's Random Thoughts
Can you believe it's already Thursday?!? Where has this week gone?
Well, since it's Thursday, that means it's time for me to unleash my random crazy thoughts. I really wish some of you would share your random thoughts. That way, I wouldn't feel like the only person who has complete craziness going on in her head! ;)
Anyway, here goes...The Heisman Trophy. Now that we're mid season, we're hearing about it all the time. I mean, that's fine and all, but the Heisman Trophy stuff kind of gets under my skin. Thing is, there are a lot of super talented and hard-working players that never get Heisman attention, simply because they are not all star quarterbacks, receivers, or running backs. How about giving an outstanding defensive guy a chance? How about Rolando McClain? How about some other defensive guys from some other teams. I know the Bama defense wouldn't be 1/2 as good as they are without McClain. I say it's time to stop focusing on the showy positions in college football. Let's take a look at the other hard-working guys too.
Why is it that if you dress a baby girl in anything with blue on it, no matter how much pink accompanies it, people assume she is a boy? I get it all the time. Rhiannon will be wearing a blue dress with pink elephants and pink trim, holding a pink blanket..."What a cute little boy!" Come on, people! It's in the details! If you see poofy sleeves, even if they're blue, chances are, the baby is a girl!
Speaking of babies, why do complete strangers feel the need to offer advice (aka: criticize) people (ok, me) about their parenting? Today at the pumpkin patch, I was carrying Rhiannon in her sling. You wouldn't believe all the comments I heard in passing and had said to my face. One woman, as she passed me, was telling her friend, "Look at that baby! It's going to fall out!" She went on and on. Ok, Rhi was totally in her sling and in absolutely no danger of falling out. CRAZY! Then on the hay ride, a couple of women were going on and on about how uncomfortable the sling looked for the baby because "he" (yes, she was wearing blue...polka dots with poofy sleeves!) was all squished up. I politely smiled and told them how much the baby loves the sling (because I don't want to embarrass them for thinking she's a boy). I mean, Rhiannon was SLEEPING! Do you think she would have been sleeping had she been in pain or uncomfortable?!? Then when I got off the hay ride, a woman told me, "Why don't you take her out and put her in the stroller? Then, you can take the boys in to the bathroom, and I'll watch her for you?" Thanks for the offer, lady, but #1. I don't know you and am NOT leaving my baby with you, and #2. She's FINE! She's NOT uncomfortable! UGH! What did I do, though? I took her out (she cried), put her in her carseat, and waited for Jennifer (my friend) to watch her so I could go in. I gave in, I know.
Does every town have their own cheesy local commercials? I just don't get it. I mean, I know it's low budget and everything, but come on. They have got to have better ideas (and actors) than some of what I see around here. They make me cringe (kind of like small town local news).
I was watching something the other day and heard the phrase, "Go to hell." I started thinking about the phrase and how awful it is. I mean, it really is awful. I wonder how many people that say it actually think about the words they're saying. Hell is the worst possible place anyone could go. Torture for eternity. Would you wish anyone there...really? Do you think the people that use the phrase actually take in what they're saying, or do you think it's just something that rolls off the tongue?
Is it just me, or is it so annoying to watch coaches covering their mouths on the sidelines when they're talking on their little headsets? DRIVES ME CRAZY! I was totally making fun of Lane Kiffin (my current least favorite coach in college football) for doing it in the Georgia/Tennessee game last weekend. I know other coaches do it, but for that one game, I pretended like he was the only one. It gave me some good laughs. I mean, it gets pure silly sometimes. They go through such extremes to try to hide what they're saying. Ha!!! I mean, sure, I guess the other team could have their hired lip readers on the sidelines, but come on.
Speaking of football games, I find it funny that some girls wear pink in the stands. If your team colors are orange and blue, chances are, most of the people in the stands are going to be wearing orange and blue. You, even though you have your team logo on your pink shirt, are going to look silly sitting in the sea of team colors while wearing your crazy pink. PINK IS NOT A FOOTBALL COLOR! There, I said it. I've gotten it off my chest. ;)
Are my BIL and I the only ones to notice Houston Nutt's crazy play signals? You know, most coaches have random arm signals, but Houston Nutt takes it much further. His are vulgar. Last season, my bil noticed one that involved him grabbing his crotch. This year during the Alabama/Ole Miss game, one of his signals involved him pretending to pull his pants down (for a full moon). What in the world??? Really, Coach Nutt? Do you think your players wouldn't understand the more subdued signals? Baffles me.
Poor spelling really gets to me. You can imagine how tough it is for me to read some Facebook updates. UGH! I cringe when I see all the misspellings scattered about. I'm not talking about accidental letters and stuff like that, I'm talking about really really poor spelling. I try not to notice, but I do.
Speaking of misspellings, I have a hard time with texting because I don't like to spell things incorrectly just to shorten it. I'm that dork texter that texts out the whole word (also because I am SO not an lol person). So, if you get a text from me, it's like a novel. Sorry!
What is the bejeweled game on Facebook? What are the Mafia Wars? Farmville? What is up with all the quizzes? I don't care how many bejeweled points you got, who you shot in your mafia wars, what kind of cow wandered up on your farm, or what kind of mouthwash your personality is most like. I really don't. I really wish I didn't have to see all that every time I pull up my FB account. I wish there was a "hide" button just for games and quizzes. I want to know what my friends are up to from time to time, but I don't want to see all the rest of the junk mail. I think FB should come up with something for that.
Speaking of FB updates, after reading so many meaningless updates, I started thinking about Rick and Bubba and their rules for call ins. One thing they say (not verbatim) is, before making your comment, ask yourself if people will be entertained by what you have to say. I think that could apply to FB too. If you're going to the bathroom, going to cook some toast, or taking a shower, we don't need to know about it. I doubt anyone's sitting on the edge of their seats to find out if it's your lunchtime. Maybe I'm wrong? ;)
Every town should have a Sno Biz. It should be some sort of requirement. If there's a chamber of commerce, there should be a Sno Biz. I'm just sayin'...
I love my kids so much. They have my heart! However, three is tough, much tougher than two. I had no idea what I was in for. Having three children is a tremendous blessing, but it is a lot of work. I have three different needs, three different schedules, car lines, crying spells, etc. It does get easier, right? :)
I was laying by Asher at bedtime a few nights ago and was telling him a story. At some point during the story, he turned to me and said, "Mommy, you spit. You spit on me." Of course, I busted out laughing. My little two year old is basically telling me to 'say it, don't spray it.' My kids always manage to humble me.
Speaking of being humbled, at church last Sunday, one of the ushers (who appears to be about my age) saw me walking in with my carseat. He immediately walked up to me and said, "Mrs. King, Channing is right over there." MRS. KING?!? Do I look that old?!? We're like the same age, right?!? It hurt. It really hurt. It feels just as bad when a kid in their 20s says 'yes ma'am' to me. OUCH!
That's all I've got for this week, folks! How about you??? This struggling mother of three would love to hear some random thoughts from someone else. It would make me feel oh so sane! :)
Pumpkin Patch
I love this time of year! College football, changing leaves, cool air, pumpkin's all fabulous! Tristan and Asher are on fall break from school, so today, I decided to take them to a pumpkin patch. Tristan and I went to a pumpkin patch last week with his school, and it was fun, but this one was so much better! It was more open, clean, and had lots more to do, not to mention better pumpkins. :)
We met up with two of my favorite people, Jennifer and her beautiful little girl, Audrey. Jennifer is one of my very best friends and one of the most beautiful people (inside and out) that you'll ever meet. We met in college and have been best friends ever since. Though we live a couple of hours apart and don't get to see each other much, when we are able to get together, we always pick up right where we left off. I thank God for such a wonderful friend!
Anyway, on to my pumpkin patch pictures. Today is just a sneak peek. These are the pictures taken with my phone. I have some even cuter ones on my camera. Too bad my home computer is from the ice age and won't let me upload them. Hopefully I can get them up soon. I know you're DYING to see them! :)
This first picture is beautiful Audrey and the pumpkin she picked. I could just eat her up! She is so adorable and cute to watch. She instantly clicked with Tristan and followed him everywhere. She told Jennifer that Tristan is her best friend. I LOVE it! Maybe I can get them to save her for Tristan for marriage one day. That's not too much to ask, right??? :)Here is Asher and his pumpkin. He was so proud! He wanted to carry it everywhere and did.
Sadly, I didn't get a picture of Tristan with his pumpkin. :( He picked a really big one and had a hard time picking it up. Plus, I was trying to manage Rhiannon in her sling (while other women offered their "advice" and opinions about me carrying "him" in a sling) and keep Asher from wandering off (which he often did).
Stay tuned for more exciting updates about our Thursday at the pumpkin patch!