Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Are You This Excited About Your Underwear?

I don't know if you have kids, but if you do, you really must take them to see Kung Fu Panda. Channing and I took the boys a few weeks back, and Tristan LOVED it. He talks about it all the time and can hardly wait until it comes out on video.

Everywhere we go, Kung Fu Panda stuff is on everything...books, shirts, toys, and even underwear. Tristan hooked us with the underwear. He saw them at Target this past weekend and begged to get them. Channing, being the kind father that he is, agreed to let him have the underwear. Tristan was beyond thrilled. As soon as we got in the car, he had to hold the package. Before we could get home, he had opened them and was asking to put them on. Somehow we managed to get him home without trying to pull a Houdini in his seat. Once we got home, though, he was changed in a flash! He was showing his underwear all over the house.

Ok, so we were ok with that. We were ok when he asked if he could wear them a pair to small group Monday night (he was asking this on Saturday). We were ok when he jumped up yesterday morning and put his "Kung Ku Panda" underwear on first thing. Where things started to get not ok was when we got to work. I was at my desk getting things done and looked over to see him, with his pants pulled down, trying to show his underwear to the patients (and this isn't the first time)! Um, so yeah, we had to have a talk about that. I guess he just thought that everyone would be interested in seeing his underwear.

So if you ever see my son with his pants pulled down, just know that he's super excited about whatever underwear he has on. Channing and I, in the meantime, will be trying to squash this trend. It won't be so cute when he's 16!


LeAnne said...

That is HYSTERICAL!!! I, thanks goodness for others, am not that excited about my underwear. We took the kids to see Wall-E a couple weeks ago...huge debate over whether to go to Kung Fu Panda or Wall-E. Well, Wall-E won and it was really cute....I mean robot love and saving the earth, what's better, right? So, I guess we'll wait for Kung Fu Panda to make a DVD appearance or maybe we'll have to go back to the movies soon. It's gotta be good...I mean, kids are dropping their drawers to show off their undies, right?

Eve said...

That is hilarious! Genna was thrilled last week with her Tinkerbell underwear, too. Funny the things that get them excited...

The Hairstons said...

Funny boy! He's proud of his new undies! My boys are on a Kung Fu Panda kick too. Since they watched the movie, they have karate chopped everything in sight - including each other =)

Hillary @ The Other Mama said...

I had to teach Owen who superman was this morning to get him to wear his new superman undies (that were on sale).
Where is the picture, here? That would be precious blackmail material!

Nathan and Rachel Greenfield said...

i love your stories!!

Brandi said...

I wish new undies made me this excited! Hilarious.

Rachael said...

That is sooooo funny! I knew he was excited when he told me about them on Sunday. :)

Anonymous said...

I need to keep Tristan in my pocket and pull him out when I need a good laugh! I love the stories you tell about him! Send him my way!! :)

Donna said...

We saw that movie during an open house a few weeks ago- it was really cute! You know wearing your pants low and showing your underwear is a fashion statement in many areas.....