Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's Good To Be a "K"

This morning, I spent time in tears and prayer for the future of our country. I fear that God will give this country what they've asked for. I fear that we're about to embark on an Obama presidency. It's just like the old adage..."Be careful what you wish for 'cause you just might get it." Oh, LORD, have mercy. Until the polls have closed, I am going to continue to pray and have faith that morals and convictions will trump economic, racial, and healthcare issues.

An hour ago, Channing and I arrived at our election stop to see LOOOOOOOOOONG lines. We were prepared to wait. As we were walking up, a nice man came and asked us if he could help us. He asked our last names and politely and enthusiastically informed us that there was no line for last names that ranged from E through K. We are K's, so that was PERFECT!!! The other two lines were going down the highway. Channing and I were in and out in five minutes. On our way out, we ran into friends who had been waiting for a long time. I applaud them and the rest of you who will brave the lines to cast your ballots.

If you have not yet voted, please make sure you do. I encourage you to pray and seek God's will before you cast your ballot. And just for this one day, don't let a long line scare you off. Our future, our children's future, the future of unborn children is at stake.

May God bless America!


Brandi said...

L-R was one of those long lines. We were there for 50 minutes. I was honored to wait. Although I did suggest to Shane that we switch to my maiden name because there was no line for the W's